Who We Are


In a world of synthetics and high gear technology. the idea of quality is fast losing ground with the old world craftsmanship that used to be the pride of the taxidermy industry. With pressure tanning. dry preserva­tives and wet tanning claiming to be the saviors of lost time and advo­cates of more stretch in a cape. we at Wilderness East End Tannery still subscribe to the time-proven methods of all-natural hair-on taxidermy tanning.

Our process dates back over 80 years of development in museum taxidermy by none other than the late Mr. Sinclair Clark. Under his personal supervision for many years, our formulas, techniques, and methods have remained unchanged since our first vat of tanning solutions were made by Sinclair. No other grade of tanning or substitu­tion of elements was ever acceptable to Sinclair, and will never be accepted at Wilderness East End Tannery. No other method of profes­sional tanning has ever stood the test of time as the tanning that has filled our nation’s museums for almost 100 years. No other name in the field of tanning has benefited from the expertise of Sinclair Clark. No other tannery can make this claim as Wilderness East End Tannery is the foremost tannery in the world as only Sinclair could insure.

At Wilderness, our tanning methods are “head and shoulders” above the furrier grade of dressing. Shelf life, stretch, and quality are our only claims. Before you send out this season’s capes, call us first. My reputa­tion will convince you that Wilderness East End Tannery is committed to helping you put the highest quality of work before the world’s most demanding judges-your clients.